Peer Review Process


Submitted manuscripts on Kunir: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia (KJFI) will go through the administration review and editor review stages before being sent to the reviewers.

At the administrative review stage, checks will be made whether the submitted manuscripts comply with the rules that apply to the KJFI author guidelines and templates. The complete files or supporting files for submission are also checked at this stage. Then, the manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism before starting the review processPlagiarism is not acceptable in KJFI. 

At the editor review stage, checks will be made to determine whether the submitted manuscripts are in accordance with the scientific scope and standards applicable to KJFI. If the manuscripts do not meet the requirements, then the manuscripts will be rejected.

If the manuscripts meet the requirements at the administrative and editorial review stage, the manuscripts will be sent to the reviewers. The manuscripts will be reviewed by two reviewers by means of a double-blind peer review. The review process on KJFI takes 21 days. If the two reviewers have finished the review process, the results will be sent to the author(s) for correction. The editor will also add comments or recommendations for improvement if needed.

The final decision is determined by the Editorial Board after obtaining recommendations from peer reviewers. Manuscript revision is the author's responsibility, and manuscripts that are not feasible will be returned to the author.